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We are here to lead the way in helping our clients navigate change for lasting success

Reports & Research

Q2 2024
Smart Tech for Multifamily Properties: Understanding ROI
Q1 2024
Smart Home and Security Tracker 2024 - February Market Update
Q1 2024
Smart Home Dashboard 4Q 2023
Q1 2024
Residential Security Dashboard 4Q 2023
Q1 2024
Smart Home and Security Tracker 2024 - January Market Update
Q1 2024
Smart Home and Security Tracker 2023 - Q4 Market Update
Q1 2024
Smart Smoke and CO Detectors: Market Assessment 2024
Q4 2023
Demand for Security Solutions: Devices, Systems, and Services
Q4 2023
The Power Play: Uniting Smart Devices for Home Energy Management
Q4 2023
Security Dealer Perspectives: Views from the Front Line
Q4 2023
Smart Home Tracker 2023 - Q3 Market Update
Q4 2023
Building Net Zero Homes with Home Management Systems
Q4 2023
Getting to Net Zero: Leveraging Smart Tech Energy Solutions
Q4 2023
Investing in Smart Tech: Practical Guidance for Properties
Q4 2023
Insurance Opportunities in the Smart Home
Q4 2023
Next-Generation Self-Storage: Leveraging Technology to Grow Revenue
Q3 2023
Managed Wi-Fi in Multifamily Housing
Q3 2023
Residential Security Dashboard 2Q 2023
Q1 2024
Streaming Content Performance: Executive Insights | 2024 State of the Market
Q1 2024
The Viewer Journey: Navigating Streaming Options
Q4 2023
Streaming Video Tracker - North American Update: December 2023
Q1 2024
OTT Video: Rise of Hybrid Models
Q4 2023
Tech Ecosystem Dashboard: Q3 2023
Q4 2023
Streaming Video Tracker - North American Update: November 2023
Q4 2023
ATSC 3.0: Impact and Opportunity for Video Services
Q4 2023
Streaming Video Tracker - North American Update: October 2023
Q4 2023
Video Services Dashboard 3Q 2023
Q4 2023
Streaming Video Tracker: Analyst Notes, Q3 2023
Q4 2023
Privacy and Data Protection for Connected Devices
Q4 2023
Streaming Video Tracker - North American Update: September 2023
Q3 2023
State of the Market: Streaming Video Services
Q3 2023
Streaming Video Tracker - North American Update: August 2023
Q3 2023
Overcoming Complexity: Advertising in a Fragmented Landscape
Q3 2023
Video Services: Shifting Demand
Q3 2023
Streaming Video Tracker - North American Update: July 2023
Q3 2023
AVOD, FAST, Freemium: Effective Advertising in the New Video Landscape
Q4 2020
Supporting Today's Connected Consumer
Q1 2020
Next-Generation Support: Building an Engagement Platform
Q4 2019
Cybersecurity Impact on Smart Home Market Growth
Q1 2012
Mobile Payment - Stepping into Uncharted Territory
Q3 2012
Expanding Role of the Service Provider — From Music to Games to the Connected Home
Q3 2011
Service Providers and the Connected Home
Q3 2011
Global Consumer Survey of In-Home Mobile Services and Femtocells
Q2 2009
Digital Lifestyles and the Service Provider
Q2 2011
U.S. Consumer Attitudes on In-Home Mobile Services and Femtocells
Q1 2010
Rural Broadband Services and The Digital Home
Q3 2009
Broadband Services: The Turning Point
Q1 2023
Managed Services with Exceptional Experiences: How Broadband Providers Win
Q4 2022
Supporting the Smart Home: Getting to the Right Solution
Q3 2022
Strategies to Protect and Secure the Always-Connected Consumer
Q4 2021
Supporting the Modern Consumer: Smart Home and Broadband Services
Q4 2021
Managed Wi-Fi: Disruptive Potential for Support and Services
Q2 2021
Protecting Privacy and Data Security in the Smart Home Era
Q4 2020
Boosting Service Value with Identity Theft Prevention Solutions
Q1 2017
Digital Disruptions in Healthcare Service Delivery: Innovators Redrawing the Healthcare Landscape
Q1 2017
Consumerism of Healthcare: Trends, Technology Impact, and Case Studies
Q2 2015
Smart Home Platforms for Health
Q3 2015
Wearables for Health: Innovations and Disruptions
Q4 2014
Mobile Carriers and Wireless Healthcare Opportunities
Q4 2014
Delivering Quality Healthcare to the Digital Home: The 2014 Edition
Q1 2014
Virtual Care: Technologies & Business Models
Q3 2014
Wearable Computing: Fitness and Health in Style
Q1 2013
Disease Management and Health Monitoring for ACOs
Q4 2013
Networked Medical Devices: Innovations and Business Models
Q1 2014
Independent Living At Home: Second Edition
Q4 2011
IP-based Health Solutions: Home Care and Beyond
Q3 2012
Health Entertainment: Bringing the Fun to Wellness and Fitness
Q3 2011
Wireless Healthcare (Second Edition)
Q4 2010
Delivering Quality Healthcare to the Digital Home: 2010 Update
Q1 2010
Electronic Health Records: The Information Center of Connected Care
Q3 2009
Wireless Healthcare: Analysis and Forecasts
Q1 2009
Disease Management Industry and High-Tech Adoption
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