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We are here to lead the way in helping our clients navigate change for lasting success

Reports & Research

Q1 2020
Trends and Opportunities in Residential Energy Management
Q1 2019
Smart Home and Insurance: Partnerships and Go-to-Market Strategies
Q3 2019
Looking Ahead to 2020: Smart Home and Security Trends in Europe and the US
Q2 2018
The Future of DER: Energizing the Smart Home
Q2 2018
Incentives and the Connected Consumer: Rewarding Smart Home Adoption
Q3 2017
Transforming Customer Engagement with IoT Connected Products
Q2 2017
Advancing Ease of Use through Sensors and Appliance Automation
Q2 2017
IoT: Smart Devices and Data-Driven Services
Q2 2017
Creating Smarter Energy and IoT Experiences for Consumers
Q4 2016
Winning the European Smart Home Customer – Successful Service Provider Lessons
Q3 2016
Insurance: Impact of IoT in the U.S. and Europe
Q4 2016
Best Practices for IoT Security and Privacy
Q4 2016
Connecting the Potential with the Premise of the IoT
Q4 2015
Leading with Data: Unlocking the Value of Connected Products
Q2 2016
IoT Data: Adding Value to the Connected Product Lifecycle
Q2 2015
Developing a Future-Proof IoT Strategy
Q1 2015
IoT: Smart Appliances in the Era of Experiences
Q1 2015
The Impact of IoT on Energy Efficiency in the Home
Q2 2017
Cloud DVR: Nine Months to Reality
Q1 2016
Top 10 Trends - The Outlook for the Connected Home 2016
Q2 2015
Endless Flexibility and Experiences with Cloud DVR
Q4 2014
Navigating Cloud Solutions: CE and the Future of Video
Q1 2014
OTT Services: Moving from Sideline to Primetime
Q1 2023
OTT Video Market Tracker - North America Update - December 2022
Q4 2022
OTT & Sports: Services and Strategies for Growth
Q4 2022
Ad-Based OTT Growth in FAST and AVOD Services
Q4 2022
OTT Video Market Tracker - North America Update - November 2022
Q2 2021
Evolution of Gaming: The State of Cloud Gaming
Q1 2022
Video Streaming Platforms: Rise of the Smart TV
Q1 2022
Data-based Decision Making for Video Services
Q2 2022
Video Services: State of the Market
Q4 2020
The Next 'Big 3' in OTT
Q4 2020
Growth and Challenges for vMVPDs
Q1 2021
OTT Video Services: Trends and Competition
Q4 2019
Global Markets – The Lifecycle of OTT Services
Q3 2019
Shifts in Video Distribution: Getting Content to Consumers
Q1 2013
M2M: The Next Billion Mobile Connections
Q4 2012
Evolution of the Mobile Content Market
Q1 2012
Mobile Data and Applications: Market Update
Q4 2011
Mobile Payment: Technologies and Business Models
Q3 2012
Driving 4G Adoption: Global Mobile Innovation
Q3 2011
Cloud-based Value-added Services
Q1 2011
Fixed-Mobile Convergence: Consumers and Business Models (Second Edition)
Q1 2011
Enhancing Support to Mobile Devices
Q2 2011
Consumer Technical Support Services: Overview
Q1 2010
Consumer Storage Opportunities
Q2 2009
Home Networks for Consumer Electronics
Q2 2008
Enabling Solutions for a Rich Broadband Experience
Q1 2008
Networks in the Home: The Global Service Provider Play
Q1 2011
Mobile Data: Analysis and Forecasts
Q1 2011
Mobile Broadband and Mobile Computing Devices
Q2 2010
Network-hosted Storage Solutions
Q2 2009
Mobile Advertising: Analysis and Forecasts
Q2 2010
Retailers and Support Services: Analysis and Forecasts
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