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Emergency Safety Tech Moves Beyond The Elderly

In a surprising statistic from new Parks Associates research on connected health, 40% of 18- to 24-year-olds report using a device or app that automatically calls for help in case of an emergency -- compared to just 13% of those aged 65 and older.

Opening a recent Parks webinar, director of research Kristen Hanich said the key drivers for the technology in this Gen Z  demographic, are, in order: general peace of mind; safety when exercising outdoors, such as running, hiking or cycling; monitoring an elderly loved one;monitoring a child's location and safety; monitoring a wearer with a chronic health condition; and such dangerous situations as walking alone or being a lone worker or on a night shift.

Back in 2018, Parks Vice President of Research Jennifer Kent told Marketing Daily that the “I’ve fallen” mantra had actually created a hard-to-shake stigma, resulting in strong resistance among older people.

Now, so to speak, a “child” -- or many of them -- shall lead them.

“Adoption by younger folks will remove some of the stigma that seniors face,” said Hanich. “Will anyone be embarrassed at using a fall detection solution that their very active grandchild personally uses and recommends?”

From the article, "Emergency Safety Tech Moves Beyond The Elderly" by Les Luchter

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