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Most Pirated TV Shows List Spells Trouble for Disney

A study from earlier this year found pirating websites and password sharing could cost providers around $113 billion in the next five years alone. Conducted by Parks Associates, the research found that even though streamers were taking measures to crack down on piracy, it is not known when the effects of that might be tangible.

"While there is some optimism that emerging countermeasures and best-practices may see piracy begin to plateau by 2027, there is no consensus among stakeholders as to when it may begin to decline," Parks Associates consultant Steve Hawley said in April.

"The number of households who share account credentials and consume pirated content is rising. People are increasingly looking for new ways to satisfy entertainment needs," said Sarah Lee, a research analyst for Parks Associates.

From the article, "Most Pirated TV Shows List Spells Trouble for Disney" by Shannon Power

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