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New Research Shows Consumer Demand for High-speed Internet and Value-added Services

A recent study conducted by Parks Associates reveals that nearly 30% of US internet households who switched to a new home internet provider in the past year encountered difficulties. Key challenges reported by consumers included finding affordable packages and comparing customer service quality among different providers.

The study, titled “Home Internet Evolution – Consumer Perspectives on Fiber and Gigabit Speeds,” delves into the impact of high-speed internet options on consumers’ choice of service providers and subscription plans. It also explores which value-added services resonate most with consumers and how they affect customer satisfaction and retention.

According to Kristen Hanich, Director of Research at Parks Associates, internet service providers (ISPs) need to prioritize making the shopping experience seamless and easy for prospective customers. The study highlights that almost 40% of US internet households experience download speeds below 250Mbps and are generally unsatisfied with their current service. This dissatisfaction presents an opportunity for ISPs to expand their customer base by targeting these dissatisfied users.

The research also reveals shifting consumer sentiment regarding internet services. Customers now expect Wi-Fi to be included in the overall cost, and reliability and quality are becoming increasingly important factors for subscribers. While pay-TV bundle adoption is decreasing, customers still anticipate video services in some form, either through traditional TV offerings or streaming platforms.

The study further emphasizes the growing trend of bundling broadband and mobile services to provide consumers with simplicity, affordability, and convenience. Many providers are enhancing the appeal and value of their internet service offerings by including access to popular streaming platforms as part of their packages.

In conclusion, the research conducted by Parks Associates highlights the importance of addressing consumers’ demands for high-speed internet, affordable pricing, reliable service, and value-added offerings. ISPs that understand and cater to these needs will be well-positioned to attract and retain customers in a highly competitive market.

From the article, "New Research Shows Consumer Demand for High-speed Internet and Value-added Services" by Andrew Komsa

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