Providing market intelligence for more than 35 years

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We are here to lead the way in helping our clients navigate change for lasting success

Reports & Research

Q1 2021
Video Doorbells
Q4 2021
Networked Cameras
Q4 2020
2020 Security Dealer Survey
Q1 2021
Smart Door Locks 2020
Q4 2020
DIY Home Security Tracker - 3Q 2020
Q4 2020
COVID-19: Impact on Residential Security and Smart Home – July
Q1 2021
Smart Thermostats Forecast 2021
Q3 2020
Residential Security Forecast 2020
Q3 2020
DIY Home Security Tracker - 2Q 2020
Q4 2020
Security Customer Acquisition, Retention, and RMR
Q1 2021
Security Consumer Segments and Journeys
Q2 2020
Smart Major Appliances - Adoption and Preferences
Q2 2020
Safe Enough: Consumer Attitudes towards Alternative Security Solutions
Q2 2020
Smart Home Strategy: Capturing the Cost-Conscious Consumer
Q2 2020
DIY Home Security Tracker - 1Q 2020
Q2 2020
Smart Home Buyer Journey and User Experience
Q1 2020
Residential Security: Consumer Insights
Q1 2020
MDUs, Home Builders, & Smart Home Technology
Q3 2023
Cutters, Nevers, and the Re-bundling of Video
Q1 2021
TV Services
Q1 2021
Pay TV: Perception, Adoption, and Retention
Q4 2020
Subscription and Churn in OTT Video
Q1 2021
COVID-19: Impact on Communications and Entertainment - September
Q1 2021
COVID-19: Impact on Consumer Behavior and Spending - September
Q3 2020
COVID-19: Impact on Consumer Behavior and Spending - May
Q3 2020
COVID-19: Impact on Communications and entertainment - May
Q2 2020
Streaming Video Products: Driving Adoption
Q3 2020
Optimizing the Channel Package
Q2 2020
Cloud Gaming Demand and Preferences
Q2 2020
Consumer Perception of OTT Video
Q2 2020
Households with Children: Dominant Tech Purchasers
Q2 2023
COVID-19: Impact on Consumer Behavior and Spending - March
Q4 2019
Smart Speakers & Smart Displays
Q4 2019
Streaming Media Players
Q4 2019
Ad-Supported OTT: Viewers and Use
Q2 2020
Video Consumption – Tracking Users and Viewing Habits
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