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We are here to lead the way in helping our clients navigate change for lasting success

Reports & Research

Q1 2024
Smart Home and Security Tracker 2024 - February Market Update
Q1 2024
Smart Home Dashboard 4Q 2023
Q1 2024
Residential Security Dashboard 4Q 2023
Q1 2024
Smart Home and Security Tracker 2024 - January Market Update
Q1 2024
Smart Home and Security Tracker 2023 - Q4 Market Update
Q1 2024
Smart Smoke and CO Detectors: Market Assessment 2024
Q4 2023
Demand for Security Solutions: Devices, Systems, and Services
Q4 2023
The Power Play: Uniting Smart Devices for Home Energy Management
Q4 2023
Security Dealer Perspectives: Views from the Front Line
Q4 2023
Smart Home Tracker 2023 - Q3 Market Update
Q4 2023
Building Net Zero Homes with Home Management Systems
Q4 2023
Getting to Net Zero: Leveraging Smart Tech Energy Solutions
Q4 2023
Insurance Opportunities in the Smart Home
Q4 2023
Next-Generation Self-Storage: Leveraging Technology to Grow Revenue
Q3 2023
Residential Security Dashboard 2Q 2023
Q3 2023
Smart Home Dashboard 2Q 2023
Q3 2023
Smart Home Tracker 2023 - Q2 Market Update
Q3 2023
AI Moving Security Forward: Solving False Alarms
Q1 2024
Streaming Video Tracker: NPS, Churn and Subscriber Growth
Q1 2024
Streaming Content Performance: Executive Insights | 2024 State of the Market
Q1 2024
The Viewer Journey: Navigating Streaming Options
Q4 2023
Streaming Video Tracker - North American Update: December 2023
Q1 2024
OTT Video: Rise of Hybrid Models
Q4 2023
Tech Ecosystem Dashboard: Q3 2023
Q4 2023
Streaming Video Tracker - North American Update: November 2023
Q4 2023
ATSC 3.0: Impact and Opportunity for Video Services
Q4 2023
Streaming Video Tracker - North American Update: October 2023
Q4 2023
Video Services Dashboard 3Q 2023
Q4 2023
Streaming Video Tracker: Analyst Notes, Q3 2023
Q4 2023
Privacy and Data Protection for Connected Devices
Q4 2023
Streaming Video Tracker - North American Update: September 2023
Q3 2023
State of the Market: Streaming Video Services
Q3 2023
Streaming Video Tracker - North American Update: August 2023
Q3 2023
Overcoming Complexity: Advertising in a Fragmented Landscape
Q3 2023
Video Services: Shifting Demand
Q3 2023
Streaming Video Tracker - North American Update: July 2023
Q4 2021
The Disruptive Potential of Managed Wi-Fi
Q4 2020
Supporting Today's Connected Consumer
Q1 2020
Next-Generation Support: Building an Engagement Platform
Q4 2019
Cybersecurity Impact on Smart Home Market Growth
Q1 2012
Mobile Payment - Stepping into Uncharted Territory
Q3 2012
Expanding Role of the Service Provider — From Music to Games to the Connected Home
Q3 2011
Service Providers and the Connected Home
Q3 2011
Global Consumer Survey of In-Home Mobile Services and Femtocells
Q2 2009
Digital Lifestyles and the Service Provider
Q2 2011
U.S. Consumer Attitudes on In-Home Mobile Services and Femtocells
Q1 2010
Rural Broadband Services and The Digital Home
Q3 2009
Broadband Services: The Turning Point
Q1 2023
Managed Services with Exceptional Experiences: How Broadband Providers Win
Q4 2022
Supporting the Smart Home: Getting to the Right Solution
Q3 2022
Strategies to Protect and Secure the Always-Connected Consumer
Q4 2021
Supporting the Modern Consumer: Smart Home and Broadband Services
Q4 2021
Managed Wi-Fi: Disruptive Potential for Support and Services
Q2 2021
Protecting Privacy and Data Security in the Smart Home Era
Q1 2017
Digital Disruptions in Healthcare Service Delivery: Innovators Redrawing the Healthcare Landscape
Q1 2017
Consumerism of Healthcare: Trends, Technology Impact, and Case Studies
Q2 2015
Smart Home Platforms for Health
Q3 2015
Wearables for Health: Innovations and Disruptions
Q4 2014
Mobile Carriers and Wireless Healthcare Opportunities
Q4 2014
Delivering Quality Healthcare to the Digital Home: The 2014 Edition
Q1 2014
Virtual Care: Technologies & Business Models
Q3 2014
Wearable Computing: Fitness and Health in Style
Q1 2013
Disease Management and Health Monitoring for ACOs
Q4 2013
Networked Medical Devices: Innovations and Business Models
Q1 2014
Independent Living At Home: Second Edition
Q4 2011
IP-based Health Solutions: Home Care and Beyond
Q3 2012
Health Entertainment: Bringing the Fun to Wellness and Fitness
Q3 2011
Wireless Healthcare (Second Edition)
Q4 2010
Delivering Quality Healthcare to the Digital Home: 2010 Update
Q1 2010
Electronic Health Records: The Information Center of Connected Care
Q3 2009
Wireless Healthcare: Analysis and Forecasts
Q1 2009
Disease Management Industry and High-Tech Adoption
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