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Parks: Household Average SVOD Spending Drops from $90 to $64 Monthly

Parks Associates June 25 announced that new data found a 30% drop in spending for streaming SVOD services, with the average U.S. internet household spending about $63 per month on streaming video services, down from $90 in 2021.

“Consumers are spending less … many are using [lower-cost] ad-based streaming alternatives to save on costs,” analyst Sarah Lee said in a statement.

Parks said that in the first quarter, 20% of U.S. internet households paid for nine or more services, versus 29% in Q3 2023. The overall average number of streaming video service subscriptions per household has dropped below five, and 32% of households that canceled a service in the past 12 months cited a need to cut household expenses as the reason.

“All categories of household services face challenges, as consumers reevaluate their spending and subscriptions,” analyst Elizabeth Parks said in a statement. “A focus on value and education, the user interface, and the customer experience is what will drive the next generation of services in the home.”

From the article, "Parks: Household Average SVOD Spending Drops from $90 to $64 Monthly" by Erik Gruenwedel

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