Another research firm, Parks Associates, forecast that RTB will be slightly more aggressive in its takeover of display advertising, rising to 50% of all display ads by 2017. However, the company predicts that RTB will make $7 billion in North America that year as well.
“There are so many different variables that go into their rate of adoption,” said Heather Way, research analyst with Parks Associates, in an August 2012 interview with Ad Exchanger. However, she added, “RTB will become the new de facto display online buying method.”
What about pricing? In 2012, CPMs for RTB ads averaged about $3.17, according to Forrester. But with an increasing number of premium publishers and buyers getting into the space, prices and CPMs will rise. That is one way that a forecast like IDC’s could happen, where RTB makes up a smaller percentage than Parks’ forecast but earns more money.
From the article, "2012 Review: RTB Gained Ground Thanks to Major Brand Participation" by Kimberly Maul.