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Research: US SVoD spend drops

Research from Parks Associates shows shifts in demand for streaming video services in the US, includ...

Big U.S. wireless operators have capacity for 16 million FWA subscribers

According to a new Broadband Market Tracker from Parks Associates, FWA adoption through a mobile net...

Parks Associates Research Finds 28% of Employees Use AI for Professional Needs

Research featured in Parks Associates’ new Smart Home and Security Tracker reveals 28% of full-time...

Parks: Household Average SVOD Spending Drops from $90 to $64 Monthly

Parks Associates June 25 announced that new data found a 30% drop in spending for streaming SVOD ser...

Super Bundling: The future of mobile bundling

According to research by Parks Associates, 94% of U.S. internet households have at least one subscri...

Are Viewers Cutting Back on Streaming?

In a new report from Parks Associates, the researcher reports a significant drop in spending and a d...

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