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SCOTUS Healthcare Decision Brings Stability to Market - For Now

In its King v. Burwell decision, the Supreme Court decided on June 25, 2015, that the Federal Government can provide subsidies to qualified people who buy health insurance on the Federal exchanges in states where the state government declined to set up such an exchange. Because most ACA (Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare) requirements are interconnected, the elimination of subsidies in states that have Federally-run exchanges would have crippled the health exchange markets and let to a chaotic transition for health insurers and healthcare providers. Without a sizable individual insurance market, hospitals would continue to see increased use of emergency care facilities from the uninsured, and insurers would see an increase in their overall risk pool as younger, healthier consumers would be the first to drop out of the insurance market.

Parks Associates predicted that the uncertainties created by this situation would have had a ripple effect through the connected health market, as investors and entrepreneurs could no longer count on the insurers and care providers to be reliable long-term partners and buyers of new technology solutions, care management services, and consumer engagement tools. Fortunately for the industry, the Supreme Court has upheld this key piece of the ACA, which has returned a sense of stability to the market – for now. 

At Connected Health Summit, Parks Associates' annual digital health executive conference, connected health and smart home industry executives will converge to discuss recent changes in the healthcare landscape and how those impact the quickly expanding reach of the connected home. Speakers will tackle topics including patient engagement, personalization, innovation in technology, and integration challenges. 

Additonally, we would love to hear your thoughts on the direction of the connected health industry. Click here to share your opinions.

Further Reading:

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