36% of broadband households have a home security system as of Q2 2021, and approximately two-thirds of security system owners have an interactive system according to Parks Associates latest research.

There are at least two levels of interactivity.

Basic interactivity enables a user to access and control the household security system and receive notifications as scheduled or requested.  These capabilities occur via smartphone, tablet, PC, and sometimes smart speaker. These functions are usually included within the monitoring fee and are often free to the user if no monitoring service is adopted.

Both DIY and professionally installed systems usually offer basic interactive features; they are often considered standard for most security providers.

Our latest research shows that voice assistant integration has become almost standard for most smart home products, including security systems. While arming a system or checking its status are far more common voice-enabled tasks, audible PIN codes have enabled the more sensitive task of disarming a system using voice.

Over one-third of security system owners have used a voice assistant to control their system; 68% of those (20% of all owners) use the voice assistant from almost daily to several times a day for system control.   The security and smart home industry emphasizes the experience and the user interface for consumers, helping to create a new stickiness with security solutions in the home.



To read more research from Parks Associates, check out one of our latest white papers:  Smart Products: Building the Modern Home in cooperation with GE Appliances: https://online.flippingbook.com/view/259725166/ or Future-Ready Broadband: Ubiquitous Connectivity For MDUs in collaboration with COX Communities https://online.flippingbook.com/view/856537346/