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AI Moving Security Forward: Solving False Alarms


Co-Hosted By Ubiety

Join Parks Associates and Ubiety for an informative webinar analyzing the most pressing challenge for security system owners and local communities—false alarms—and how innovative AI solutions can solve these issues.

The security industry has taken steps to reduce false alarms and increase confidence among system owners, municipalities, and responders, but there are challenges in implementing solutions that are complete and scalable. This webinar explores practical strategies and best practices to minimize false alarms, enhance the accuracy of security systems, and improve overall effectiveness. Speakers discuss current technologies and what is needed to solve the false-alarm conundrum.

Webinar highlights include insights from Parks Associates’ ongoing security research:

  • The AVS-01 standard and implementation
  • Detrimental impact of false alarms on security system owners and municipalities
  • Solutions being adoption by security dealers to combat this problem
  • Factors that contribute to false alarms, with a particular focus on user error
  • Financial implications of false alarms, including fines incurred by security system owners


Elizabeth Parks

President and Chief Marketing Officer

Parks Associates

Keith Puckett

Founder and CEO


Morgan Hertel

Vice President of Technology & Innovation

Rapid Response Monitoring

Don Young

EVP and Chief Operating Officer